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Not much else out there right now, so here are a few more mini updates for you guys to nibble on. - Let's start with some semi good news. Your…

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New Poll + Hesher Trailer Results

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As mentioned in the previous update, Natalie’s decision to go from vegan to vegetarian during her pregnancy has now become a bit of a news item. So for the new poll, the question is quite simple…

Is Natalie right to do so?

As for the Hesher trailer, the results were all over the place, but it definitely enticed more than it turned off. Check out those results after the jump.


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Audio Interview Megapost

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Along with all those TV show appearances that Natalie did last week, she also joined a number of radio shows for more Your Highness promotion.

We start with Matt and Leslie Today, which has Natalie describing Your Highness in one word, the host calling her Nina and Natalie promising that once Thor is out we won’t have to “hear or see me for a very long time”. 6 months is very long, right? A year tops? Gulp.

Even better is Natalie’s appearance on The Bert Show, which is a really fun interview, but has two genuinely interesting moments. The first is when Natalie talks about going back to vegetarian while pregnant, which has sparked off the vegan community (will probably get to that more in my next update) and the other is that once Natalie leaves, the hosts talk about Natalie’s appearance on the show. It’s quite a nice behind the curtain moment as the hosts wonder how the interview went, with them concluding that maybe interviews aren’t Natalie’s thing. Kinda funny when this is probably the most fun and excited that she’s sounded during promoting Your Highness.

We’re not done, hit the jump for more interviews.


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Thor Kapow

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Thor had a panel and showed footage at England's Kapow Comic Con and, much like the surprisingly positive CinemaCon footage last month, it seems to have gone down a treat.…

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