Want To Win A Collectible Thor Ticket?

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Thanks to the folks over at Senitype, we’re able to offer two limited edition film frame graphics from Thor. The graphic will include a 35mm frame of Natalie from the film.

As an added bonus, you can redeem a free ticket to see Thor as well. Click the image below to check out all the details.

Hit the jump for details and how to nab one of those suckers for yourself.


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Natalie Not In Avengers?

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Today Online has a new interview with Natalie in promotion of Thor. In the interview she talks about her admiration of Branagh, how Hemsworth is the most perfect man to walk the earth, and how she is NOT doing The Avengers.

I’m not in The Avengers, but I’m signed up for the next two (Thor) sequels if they are made. I think these inter-related Marvel movies are great fun. The Avengers will be like Ocean’s Eleven with the superhero all-stars!

A few days ago I gave my reasons for why I thought the recent confirmation from Hemsworth that Natalie would be in the film, was wrong. I stick by them, but this Today Online piece doesn’t strike me as being that strong a piece of evidence. There are some really out of date facts in the piece and Natalie’s rehab quote came out months ago.


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New Poll + Vegan Results

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Thor is getting pretty good reviews (currently 89% on RT) and personally, I’m happily surprised that it’s being received so well. For today’s new poll I want to know if you’re surprised like me or if you saw it coming.

The “are you telling me Thor is good”? poll

The vegan to veggie poll was as one sided as it gets, with only 6 people thinking she should have tried harder to remain vegan during her pregnancy. Full results after the jump.


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