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Bryce Dallas Howard (Spiderman 3, The Village, Ron Howard's penis) has always come across as one of Natalie's closer celebrity friends, with the two of them having attended Stagedoor Manor…

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New Wallpaper

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Hope you guys are enjoying your Easter Sunday's. To help with that enjoyment, Celina submitted a lovely new wallpaper in three flavours. Enjoy. 1280x1024 1600x1200 1920x1080

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You know the drill... - Chris Hemsworth talks about Natalie in this new interview. "The intimate stuff, you have to laugh at it," the newlywed Chris tells our own Samantha…

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More Double Talk

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Salon have a new article that defends Natalie from the Black Swan and Your Highness body double scandals. They place the blame at the feet of the producers but, really, they get quite a lot wrong (once again).

But although these stories revolve around the use (or lack thereof) of Portman’s body, in both cases it is the studio that produced the film that is actually culpable for any misdirection (1). In the case of “Black Swan,” Fox Searchlight overplayed the star’s ballet expertise and lack of a body double, while Portman herself only spoke about the difficult training (2). For “Your Highness,” it was Universal that took advantage of a young, non-union performer in order to shoot a difficult scene that an experienced body double would never have done for such a small fee (3). Neither actress has spoken out against Portman herself (4).

It’s a depressing narrative that puts Portman’s body in the center of two scandals that have less to do with her and more to do with the cynicism and hype of Hollywood producers. Natalie Portman, Sarah Lane and Caroline Davis are equal victims of cinema’s obsession with creating the perfect female form. (5)


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