New Poll + Candid Results

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The new poll is a simple one. Thor is out in some places already (I’ll hopefully see it tomorrow) and North America later this week. So I simply want to know…

…when are you planning to see Thor?

The results for the last poll, asking whether thumbnails for candids sets should be hidden from the main page, were thankfully very clear. If it had been more of a 50-50 vote it would have put me in an awkward position. Those results are after the jump.


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Dazza Watches No Strings Attached

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Okay, a bit late to the party on this one. At least I’ll be able to see Thor next week and get to run with the pack for a change.

With my Black Swan thoughts I didn’t feel I had too much to add as there had already been so many great opinions expressed about that film. With No Strings Attached, I also feel I don’t have a hell of a lot to say, but this time it’s just that…there’s not much to say.

For my mostly spoiler free thoughts, hit the jump.


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