Natalie And Ben Release Statement

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Slow thy breathing, it’s not a baby announcement. Natalie and Benjamin are supporting the movement to allow gay people to have the same fundamental right to marriage as everyone else. OnTop Magazine has the article and I’ve pasted the statement that was released on their behalf.

“Natalie Portman and her fiance, Benjamin Millepied, are in love, and believe all loving couples should be able to share in the freedom to marry without discrimination. That’s why today they are joining the more than 100,000 people on Freedom to Marry’s Say, ‘I Do’ Open Letter calling on President Obama to do the right thing and become part of America’s majority for marriage,” said Freedom to Marry President Evan Wolfson in a statement.


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The Dawning of The Age of PORTMANIA.

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It can’t get any worse, folks.

PORTMANIA 13 starts today! right now. this MINUTE. and it’s already been a whole year since last PORTMANIA. we called it 12. what happened last time? i don’t remember. it’s probably better that way. but what’s happened since is Natalie getting pregnant and then getting engaged. and then winning an oscar. and then a pulitzer prize for PUNCHING. ONE OF THOSE IS MADE UP!

we’ll get started with this PORTMANIA in a few moments with you clicking a MORE button. and there will be more. fair warning. if you do not wish to click the more button I can hardly blame you…





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Dragon Tattoo

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Those who have been around for awhile will know that Natalie was linked to the Girl With The Dragon Tattoo remake as soon as news broke that a remake/new adaptation…

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Fellow swede Gabriel Liestam sent these wonderful drawings of Natalie from "Black Swan". Enjoy!

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