NP.COMic #72

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Sorry for the long time between strips (mmmmm), but we'll try and get the next comic out a lot quicker. Today's comic is not only about Black Swan, not only…

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You know news is scarce when I've been looking for enough content to just be able to throw together a tidbits update. - You could have probably heard more cry…

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New Drawings

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We're getting near the end of Angelina's epic fanart collection. Two new pieces for you guys today - one for Black Swan and the other Star Wars.

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Expensive Cloud

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In lieu of actual Natalie film news, let's talk about a film that got away - Cloud Atlas. Natalie loves the book, which I recently bought myself, and was loosely…

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Moldy oldies

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I've updated the gallery with two new/old photos (I'm assuming they're either test shots or outtakes) from the August 1999 issue of British Vogue.

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