Rate New York, I Love You + Poll Results

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As mentioned on our Bublaa page last night, we’re returning to rating Natalie’s films. A couple years ago we rated each one of her films, to come up with a Natalie fan average. We then added these averages to each film page in the filmography section, along with the IMDB users average and the RT critics average.

We never did Brothers and New York, I Love You, because I wanted there to be a bit of space after release for an opinion of the film to settle. So we probably won’t get to Black Swan (and friends) until next year.

UPDATE – Having seen the first two votes be 10 out of 10 I just want to remind you to please try and be reasonable. If you truly think the film is the best thing ever, by all means, give it a 10. But there’s a whole spectrum available. Use it.

With all that said and done…

Rate New York, I Love You

As for the previous poll, a quarter of you are completely nonplussed about the Thor 2 news. Check out all the results after the jump.


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Join Our Bubble

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There is a freakin' great new social networking site with an even better competition prize. The site is called Bublaa and it has a visually unique take on the social…

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It's looking more and more likely that the name of Natalie's baby son is Alef...or Aleph. We originally posted about the reports out of Israel that suggested a family member…

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Oscar Tarnished?

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I’m really enjoying the new site, Grantland, but Lane Brown dropped an article, about Oscar winners who have gone on a run of bad films after grabbing the gold, that is seriously faulty.

To get up to speed, check out the article in question over here and, for extra reading credit, you can read over the Popwatch spin over here.

So, in a nutshell, they’re looking at the Rotten Tomato average rating (based on critics reviews) for the Oscar winning film and all films that came out directly after. They are comparing that average to the average Rotten Tomato rating for all live action wide releases in 2011. The end difference in ratings will determine whose careers took the biggest hit in 2011.

Now hit the jump to see me explain why it’s a load of crap.

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