Worth A Try

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A few weeks ago you might have heard that Mila Kunis was invited to attend the Marine Corps Ball in November, and that she agreed. It was a really sweet…

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Natalie Shepard

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The fantastic gaming series, Mass Effect, concludes it's trilogy next year. Players inhabit the skin of Commander Shepard, who can either be a guy or a woman. For the upcoming…

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Vector Fun

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Amo found a vector drawing of Natalie from @spadoinkler on twitter. I really enjoy good vector images, and this certainly qualifies.

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Female Love Interest Poll + Male Results

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Okay, we’re done with the guys and now we’re turning our focus onto the ladies. As I mentioned before, you don’t have to imagine something as overtly sexual as the Kunis-Portman pairing in Black Swan. It really is whatever you want it to be.

Pick your ideal female love interest

The guy version of the poll was well supported and I’m glad that everyone got votes. No major surprises to me, except Franco being as high as he was (not the first time that sentence would apply to him) and I didn’t think Fassbender had caught on that much already, but I’m glad I was wrong about that, because I’ve been singing the guy’s praises for years.

The full set of results are after the jump.


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