More MC Interview

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Natnat and Amo spotted that the great Marie Claire interview from earlier this year was even better than we thought. There is a much longer version that they Jerusalem Post has published on their site. Of most importance is probably her comment that she loves her work and hopes to continue acting for “a very long time”.

Below is a fun rapid fire excerpt.

What is your favorite book or poem?
Lolita and Robert Hass’s poetry; he is a contemporary Californian poet. And E.E. Cummings’s poems.

What for you is a beautiful piece of music?
The Schubert Impromptus, the Bach Goldberg Variations and the Chopin Nocturnes.

Piece of art?
Schiele’s drawings and paintings. He is probably my favorite.

Film or performance?
There are so many, Days of Heaven, Brief Encounter and Manhattan.


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Hesher Move

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According to this twitter page, Hesher's DVD and BD release date has changed from September 13th to October 18th. Has anyone heard the same?

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Thor 2 News?

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We already know that Thor 2 will arrive on July 26th 2013 and that Don Payne is writing the script. Beyond that we're still in the dark, however The Daily…

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The TV Show Poll + Love Interest Results

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I got home really late last night, so this is a day late, but below we have our big TV show poll. There are 20 shows in the poll, but before you vote just take one thing into consideration. This isn’t “what is your favourite TV show?” That obviously plays a part, but I’d like you guys to consider whether Natalie would be a good fit for the show as well.

Okay, NOW you can vote 🙂

What TV show should Natalie appear on?

Regarding the big love interest poll, the winners of the male and female only polls didn’t even get close to winning this one. Emma Watson was comfortably out front while Scarlett Johansson was easily last. The other others were closely piled up in the middle.

Full results are but a click away.


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