Pole Versus Hole – Hesher Review

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So, I had this idea for Rachel and I to review Hesher together, to make it a bit more fun and conversational. We gave it a go and I definitely enjoyed it a lot more than when I do it on my own, so hopefully we can do this again when Natalie starts, you know, making films again.

I then wanted a title for this feature and was toying around with He Said, She Said…but that’s boring, so instead I came up with something…not boring 😀

Our mostly non-spoiler Hesher thoughts are after the jump.

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Just a few mini updates to help those of you having boring Sunday afternoons. - Revolver Magazine is running a competition to win a copy of Hesher on BD and…

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New Candid Set

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Aside from that one far off shot from the beach in Nantucket, these are the first proper shots of Natalie since her birth. Kid A isn't with her but Hairy…

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