Botanical Break
Yesterday, Natalie, Ben and Aleph celebrated the Guy Fawkes spirit by...visiting the Botanical Gardens? V would be very disappointed. UPDATE - A late addition but Popsugar has a nice little…
Yesterday, Natalie, Ben and Aleph celebrated the Guy Fawkes spirit by...visiting the Botanical Gardens? V would be very disappointed. UPDATE - A late addition but Popsugar has a nice little…
Today we've got a really gorgeous piece of fanart. It was found by Cherryvanilla over at this site.
Nothing happens on Twitter without Amo knowing about it, and she found a couple small charity news items that involve, or SEEM to involve, Natalie. Obviously it's hard to confirm,…
Amo found a really nice Natalie portrait from a Hungarian arist, @EuniceSanMiguel. I hope you guys enjoy it.
Time for a new batch of mini updates. Nom nom nom. - The Hollywood Reporter has put forth their list of Natalie's top 10 red carpet looks. Personally, I think…
Natalie went to pick up some Mexican food last night and it looks like the paparazzi really got in her face. I guess the flashes at night add to what's…
This next poll is going to have a big impact on how we deal with candids in future. It relates to photos of Aleph. We’re not going to be able to please everyone with such a divisive topic, but hopefully we can get to a clear majority position (even if it means doing a second poll with fewer options) on our policy moving forward.
Give a long hard think before you vote.
With the new poll going up, that means another poll ends, and it was quite an interesting one. We wanted to know which directors you’d like to see Natalie work with again. The top 3 panned out pretty much as I expected, but take a look at the results after the jump and see if you feel the same way.
We originally had only one small photo from Natalie's photo shoot for an October 2009 issue of the Los Angeles Times, but now we have the whole set!