New Poll + Aleph Candid Results

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This week’s new poll is about Natalie’s appearance on South Park. Hopefully you’ve seen it by now, but I’ll include options for those who haven’t.

The South Park poll

And for the last poll, well you guys and gals have spoken loud and clear. You overwhelmingly voted that we include Aleph candids on the site. As suggested in the comments section, we will keep Aleph off the main site and indicate when certain galleries will include pictures of him.

The final results can be found after the jump.

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W Watermark Free

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A few weeks ago, Rachel added some great high quality images to the breathtaking 2005 W Magazine gallery. The only problem was that they had small watermarks. Thanks then to Ana F, who remove them for us.


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A little bit of this, a little bit of that. It's a Sunday collection of mini updates. - According to Huff Post, Natalie was supposed to attend the MOCA Gala…

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