Site Stuff
Just a little heads up that we've been doing some under the hood work on the site to make things better. If you come across one or two bugs, fear…
Just a little heads up that we've been doing some under the hood work on the site to make things better. If you come across one or two bugs, fear…
The new poll was sparked by the comments section of the LACMA update. The poll question is very simple…
As for our last poll about Natalie’s South Park experience, the results were clearly more positive than negative. My own personal opinion was the option that came out tops, which was that Natalie’s appearance was a real kick bu the episode itself was a bit “meh”.
Full results are after the jump…
I've updated the gallery with some much larger, untagged photos of Natalie and the cast of Film Independent's Live Read of The Apartment at LACMA last Thursday, courtesy of PopSugar.
Here's a new batch of mini updates to chase away the blues. - There are reports (Yahoo and Celebitchy for example) suggesting that Benjamin has quit ballet to becoming a…
The new comic has arrived and I hope you guys enjoy it. I think Matt really brought to life (*cough*) a new character, one that I wouldn't mind bringing back…
A couple video’s, from the live line reading of The Apartment, have arrived, and while the quality isn’t the best, they at least give us a little insight into the event.
First up are the actor’s arriving on stage. Natalie was right in front of the camera so we get a good look at her.
There is a new candids set from the 17th, where Natalie is shopping on Melrose Avenue. As candids go they're pretty awful because a) she looks really annoyed, b) the…
I’ve got quite a few LACMA “Live Reading Of The Apartment” odds and ends so I thought I’d put them all in one big update.
Let’s start with a gallery update, courtesy of Popsugar and some flickr snaps. There are some cute shots but for the thumbnail I’m going with the image that makes it look like she has a Hitler mustache 😀