No Lick Jokes Here

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Okay, let's see if I can get through this update... PETA are putting out a bunch of stamps featuring vegetarian celebrities of today (Ellen, Pam Anderson, Woody Harrelson etc.) and…

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Gotham Juror

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Natalie was on the jury of the Gotham Independent Film Awards, along with Nicole Kidman, Jodie Foster, Anne Carey and Lee Percy. Natalie is no stranger to the awards, having…

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Weekend Candids

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Just Jared has a few new candids from Saturday, featuring Natalie, Ben, Aleph as well as Natalie's parents. Aleph is clearly seen in the photos, so please skip the gallery…

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Noxon Talks PPZ

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Marti Noxon was brought on to rewrite Pride And Prejudice And Zombies for the third director to leave, Craig Gillespie. She talks about the problem project to The Playlist, who give a reasonable take on the situation at the very end.

Noxon doesn’t think Lionsgate is the problem (“They are committed to doing it and really smart”), but rather the marketplace.

“It’s very hard to sell a comedy-horror concept,” Noxon said, “As much as it’s already pre-sold and popular much in the same way ‘Fright Night’ was, it’s still a little risky. At the same time, you get a success like ‘Zombieland,’ but then something will come along that makes people nervous again…”


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Gucci Update

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Prepare for the bad hair.

A week ago we mentioned that there are reports that Ridley Scott is interested in Natalie starring in his upcoming Gucci project. I’ve now gotten confirmation that Natalie is being sought after for the role, but there’s still a long way to go for the project, so this is definitely not a certainty at this stage.

I’ve been told that Natalie IS reading scripts again, so hopefully Thor 2 won’t be her only time in front of a camera next year.


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