Thor 2 And The Who?
It seems Marvel are swiftly moving to replace Patty Jenkins in the directors chair for the upcoming sequel. Marvel don't like to pay over the odds for big names and…
It seems Marvel are swiftly moving to replace Patty Jenkins in the directors chair for the upcoming sequel. Marvel don't like to pay over the odds for big names and…
Sorry about the recent downtime. Kris thinks he figured out what was causing it, so let's wait and see...
Natalie is being linked to another feature project, Jupiter Ascending. The film is in development at Warner Brothers, and will be written and directed by the Wachowski's. They, of course,…
Almost 2 years ago, Natalie took part in a live interview/talk as part of the New York Times Art and Leisure Weekend. The interview was made available in audio form…
UK Magazine, Totalfilm, have named Natalie their Woman Of The Year as part of their Year In Review special. The scan can be viewed below, although the writeup doesn't really…
I've updated the gallery with a new-old production still of Natalie as Mathilda in Léon/The Professional.
The Thor 2 sequel has lots it's director, Patty Jenkins. The reason appears to be the old chestnut of "creative differences", but it's a shame because it was certainly an…
We’re long due for a new poll and I’ve decided to make it about the Gucci project. Ridley Scott is interested in bringing Natalie onto this project (read about it here), but are you guys interested as well? Let’s find out.
No surprises that the winning results of the last poll was a thumbs up for Natalie’s LACMA cuteness, but there were certainly a fair share of fans that were not as enamored.
Full results are after the jump.