New Poll + Eating Animals Results

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With Natalie’s Golden Globes presenting appearance just a couple days away, I thought we could do a quick poll to see how many of you will be tuning in.

The Golden Globes anticipation poll

As for the last result, it came out more positive than I expected. Seems Natalie fans are down with her working on a documentary for Eating Animals. The full results are after the jump.


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Natalie Descending

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If you've been following, Natalie has been linked to the Wachowski's Jupiter Ascending project at Warner Brothers. In the last update, I said I heard that Natalie was definitely not…

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SAG Appearance

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Sorry about the late update. I've been struggling with intermittent connectivity problems, which will probably only be properly solved on Monday. So let's get to this while the internet gods…

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Thor 2 Rewrite

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We knew Don Payne's draft was going to be rewritten but we didn't know by who, until now. Deadline Hollywood reports that Robert Rodat will be working on the script…

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A nice batch of mini updates for your snacking pleasure this morning. - Toto found an old article that indicates that why Natalie might not exactly need to rush back…

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