Norwegian Trainer

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Thor 2 will begin filming in London this summer, and Garcy found a link with the Norwegian trainer who will be getting Natalie in shape for the film. The article is in Norwegian, but Kris was kind enough to write up a rough translation.

The full translation is after the jump but below is the specific Natalie mention.

I’m specially happy to train Natalie because she has recently given birth and I’m specialized in “prenatal” and “postpartum” which means alot of my clients are mothers and I’m specialized in getting back into shape after childbirth.
– I’m always happy to take on a new challenge with my clients, celebrity or not.


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Nat And Rob

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Garcy found a red carpet arrival clip of Natalie and Rob Lowe. Rob slightly exaggerates how many Golden Globes Natalie has won and generally seems to flirt with her. Or…

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Globe Vids

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If you missed Natalie's appearance on the Golden Globes last night, fear not, we have Ricky Gervais' introduction of Natalie as well as her presenting Best Actor to George Clooney.…

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