Hesher Tidbits

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Hesher is still rolling out across the globe and, even though it was a commercial flop, it's nice to see that it's at least getting theatric releases in a lot…

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Charlies 2012

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It's almost time for the 3rd annual Charlie Awards, in which we let you guys vote on the best and worst happenings from the previous year in Natland. Below are…

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Not much out there today so far, so how about a few mini updates to tide us over? - The lovely Padma Lakshmi, host of Top Chef, has mentioned Natalie…

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Museum Of Art

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Natnat found a new candid photo of Natalie, Benjamin and Aleph at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art - presumably from the weekend. It's quite a plain look but…

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Globe Tidbits

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Probably the last couple news worthy items from last weekends Golden Globes. - Toto made quite a cute find. It turns out that the babysitter was not called when Natalie…

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Jupiter Update

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A quick recap. Natalie was linked to the Wachowski's secretive Jupiter Rising project, but I was told that the link was definitely false. This morning I heard back from the…

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Bilson Raps

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The crush worthy Rachel Bilson (The O.C. and...errr...) has taken to Funny Or Die to do a rap in the style of Natalie's famous SNL rap video. In fact, Rachel…

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