FINCA girls

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Natnat found a new photo, of Natalie with Zoe Saldana (Avatar, The Professional 2 Colombiana, Star Trek...) from the green room at last night's SAG awards. It's news worthy on…

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SAG Video

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For those who weren't able to watch the show, below we have Natalie presenting Best Actor at last night's Screen Actor's Guild Awards. It's by the numbers stuff but, man,…

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SAG Reminder

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Just a little reminder that Natalie will be presenting at this evening's Screen Actor's Guild Awards. In all likelihood, she will be calling George Clooney's name again. In the meantime,…

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The Stylist Speaks

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Natalie's stylist, Kate Young, has some incredible nice things to say about Natalie in this new interview. When asked what the best thing about styling Natalie was, she responded... My…

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A couple meatier (probably a poor choice of words for a Natalie Portman site) than usual tidbits for you guys today. - The 3D converted version of The Phantom Menace…

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Nat And Borat

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Toto found a new photo from the Golden Globes. Pictured is Natalie and Sascha Baron Cohen, who is better known as Borat and Bruno and the guy who gets to…

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