New Poll + Globe Outfit Results

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It’s time to vote on the big news that Natalie will be appearing in two Terrence Malick films later this year. Interested in seeing how the results pan out on this one, as Malick is nothing if not divisive.

The Natalie and Malick poll

The results of the SAG poll were probably even more positive than the Globes outfit poll. Check out the boobs! results after the jump.

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Grammy Win

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Congratulations to Clint Mansell. He won his first Grammy last night, for Black Swan, in the Best Score Soundtrack for Visual Media category. I'm sure it won't be his last.…

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Star Wars!

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I'm not a big Star Wars fan, but I really should have mentioned that The Phantom Menace 3D was hitting theatres this weekend. It just completely slipped my mind. The…

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February 14th is Valentines Day. It's also's 12th birthday. One is a fake manufactured special occasion and the other is Valentines Day. To celebrate I'm hoping that the talented…

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Mior Dior Part 2

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Continuing yesterday’s update, here are some photos from the Miss Dior Cherie book that was sent out to important people not called Dazza.

Included in the shots are postcards that came with the book, a cd with the official song for the fragrance – Je T’aime by Serge Gainsbourg, and the first ad for Miss Dior making another Nat-swan connection.


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Mior Dior Part 1

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A couple days ago I put out a Nat signal for scans from the Miss Dior Cherie book. Well, we haven’t heard from anyone who has the book yet, but Edenliao managed to find a few glimpses from the book as well as some other Miss Dior Cherie goodies. Including some John Galliano sketches!

Today the goodies and tomorrow the images relating to the book. Starting with all sorts of awesome.

This is a bit bigger than the version we already have.


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Points Of Interest

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I’ve been thinking about yesterday’s big news that Natalie will shoot two Terrence Malick films back to back, and I thought I’d share some of the more pertinent points.

– There is no script yet. Natalie, like all the actors, are signing on for one reason only – the chance to work with Terrence Malick.

– Natalie is known to prepare very hard for her roles and is very disciplined and organized. So it’s going to be interesting to see how she deals with Malick, who is anything but structured or conventional in his filming style. There will eventually be a script but he won’t stick to it. He will rewrite and change anything and everything as the mood takes him.

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Dior Tidbits

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As we bask in the afterglow (“ew!”) of yesterday’s news, how about a collection of Dior mini news items to kick off the day?

Let’s start with a new advert for the mascara DiorShow. Unfortunately the only Natalie appearance is right at the end and it’s the print advert that we’ve already seen.

Speaking of which, Cherryvanilla found a new version of that advert. It’s not cropped on the left so we can see Natalie’s hair and fingernails…for completists out there 😛


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