It's been awhile since we've gotten a Natalie drawing, but I think you'll agree it was worth the wait. A big thanks to Angelina for this, and we've got a…
It's been awhile since we've gotten a Natalie drawing, but I think you'll agree it was worth the wait. A big thanks to Angelina for this, and we've got a…
Natalie’s fashion week appearance was a weird one for me. You had the indoors look and the outdoor coat look. For both looks I felt that she appeared amazingly youthful looking and that the fringe/bangs wasn’t really working for me.
However, while the indoor look left me feeling quite blah, the mere addition of that coat jettisoned the look from the lower reaches of Natalie history to closer to the top.
So, I want to see if you guys had a similar impression, or perhaps even felt the opposite…
The results of the big Malick news was surprising. I thought there would be a lot more people who feel his films aren’t their cup of tea, but the “disappointing” and “worrying” options got just 12 votes between them. That said, a quarter of voters don’t know Malick’s films, so the negative number would surely be higher if they had sampled what Malick is all about.
Full results are after the jump.
I've updated the gallery with a new photo of Natalie behind-the-scenes of Black Swan, taken by Ray Lewis.
Brad Pitt was recently on The Actor's Studio and recalls a really funny story about meeting Natalie. Jump to 31:20 for the question and answer.
Hesher is going toe to toe with The Other Woman for most wildly different posters selling the film. The two posters below are for the Italian release and I don't…
The Cinematic Corner blog takes a look at some (48 to be precise) of the visual Easter eggs and secrets contained within Black Swan. Most of them should be familiar…
Two more wallpapers of Natalie and other actresses that the creator, Thierry, admires.
Okay, we can finally bring you the winners from the 3rd annual Charlie Awards. 2011 was an incredibly memorable year and certainly the most important personal year for Natalie, which made great fodder for the Charlies.
Thanks to all of you who voted. Here are your winners…
It was nice to see all photos getting decent support, but the winning margin was incredibly comfortable, with the other photos being bunched up in the distance.