Well I'm back. Sorta. I've managed to borrow an old laptop to tide me over until insurance can be worked out. I see I haven't missed too much in…
Well I'm back. Sorta. I've managed to borrow an old laptop to tide me over until insurance can be worked out. I see I haven't missed too much in…
The results for the 4th Annual Charlie Awards are finally here. Thanks to everyone who voted this year! Since Dazza can’t be with us at the moment, you’ll all have to bear with me.
Here are the winners…
This one was close. The B&W Christian Dior editorial won by a single vote. The full-color beach photo and the other Dior editorial featured on the cover of Elle Paris both tied in second place.
We've finally gotten our hands on the HQ versions of the promotional photo shoot for Natalie's latest Miss Dior fragrance campaign. Big thanks to Kitten and A.E.!
While I slept soundly on Monday night, some people broke into my place and carried away almost everything of monetary and personal worth that I owned. My phone, which…
I've updated the gallery with one more new behind-the-scenes photo of Natalie on the set of Sofia Coppola's La vie en rose commercial for Miss Dior.
Since Lynne Ramsay left Jane Got A Gun we've heard many possible reasons for her exit. From over controlling producers to directors cut arguments to struggling to meet deadlines…
With things changing every day I was waiting for Jane Got A Gun to holster her weapon before setting up a poll to see how you guys feel about all the off screen drama. The ship appears to have steadied so here’s a nice broad question for all the Natalie fans out there…
The last poll was about Jude Law replacing Michael Fassbender…which of course is very out of date as we’re now waiting to see who is replacing Jude. In any case, those results are after the jump.
Here is the final category in our annual Charlie Awards for the 2012 year in Natalieland. Sorry for the delay, my service provider is having issues. Not even sure…