Swan Drawing
I really love this Nina drawing from new contributor, Matt. Hope this isn't the last work we see from him.
I really love this Nina drawing from new contributor, Matt. Hope this isn't the last work we see from him.
The new poll is based on Rachel's last update, featuring a natural photo of Natalie and the cleaned up image used for the ad campaign. So look at both,…
Back in the early 2000s, Natalie did some modeling work for Kamiseta, a Filipino clothing company. Kitten found a new-old photo from Natalie's last campaign that comes in two…
Today we have another drawing from Angelina and this is one of my favourite submissions from her. Great job.
You know the state of Natalie news is dire when Dazza asks one of his minions to post the unfocused forum mini-review she wrote on her lunch break on the main page. 😛 If you haven’t seen it yet, don’t worry about spoilers. It’s been almost two months since Thor: The Dark World was released in theaters, so that should probably give you an idea of how excited I was to go see it. Brace yourself for my enthusiasm.
I went in with fairly low expectations, and I hate to say I was still kind of unimpressed. The story was half-baked, the action scenes were generic and unremarkable, the camp was over the top, and the whole thing felt overly long despite the frentic pace. Belerofonte nailed what I was scratching my head over in his review: one of Thor: The Dark World‘s biggest problems is that it feels like a condensed version of a grander tale. The film also struggled to find a good balance between being silly and serious (the first Thor movie did this much more successfully). One of my big gripes with Thor is reversed in its sequel. This time, everything set on Earth really worked for me, but Asgard fell flat. I found myself losing interest when Thor and Loki weren’t onscreen, which was entirely too often. Mads Mikkelsen really dodged a bullet, because the villain was lame, lame, lame. And the lukewarm romance between Thor and Jane was still pretty lame, too. Maybe the romance would have worked if Natalie and Chris Hemsworth had any onscreen chemistry (they don’t), but I’m betting it would have still felt really awkward and forced. Unlike the other Marvel movies, there are too many characters on the canvas and just not enough time to focus on all of them. Characterization was either an afterthought or left on the cutting room floor. This is a superhero movie after all.
The new poll is as simple as it get's. Inspired by the Filmspotting death match polls, where they pit two seemingly even choices. So... [polldaddy poll=7650809] Speaking of death…
Still waiting/hoping for some holiday/Christmas fanart to post on the 25th. If not I'll see if I can dig out a photo of a lump of coal ;-) Angelina…
Whoops. Just realized that despite my half assed search last night, I think Rachel has posted the DiorSkin Nude shots. Don't know how I missed that. In any case,…