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Still no major Natalie news so we’ll have to make do with some smaller nuggets of news.

– Let’s begin with The Playlist dropping The Phantom Menace onto their Worst 20 Blockbusters Ever list. Belerofonte has expressed his defense in the comments section. Myself, personally I’d probably have gone for Clones because at least TPM has Duel of the Fates and hands down the best action scene of the series.

– Natalie and Benjamin are house hunting in Paris and Ben, surprisingly, was quite happy to confirm,/a> where they are looking: Saint-Germain des Prés district or Place des Victoires in the center near Palais Royal. Thanks to Melody.

– Finally, Natalie is on the cover of French Elle (sadly not a new photo) and Fanatical has the interview, which you can read after the jump. Hoping a kind French speaker will let us know if there is anything interesting.


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  We've got a couple really nice pieces of Natalie fanart for you guys today. First is from Jonathan whose work you can find more of here. The second is…

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KoC Tidbits

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  Sooo a little follow up to yesterday's hope and prayer that Knight Of Cups could make it to Cannes. I thought an Italian Magazine tweet suggested that KoC might…

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