KOC’s Terrence Malick Tributed

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Knight of Cups opened up this year to some interesting reviews. The Natalie Portman film (of which she only appears briefly, ala common Terrence Malick treatment) may end up being like most Malick films that get defended or attacked by the masses for years to come. However, it’s no apparent contest that director Terrence Malick has been a visionary for decades. It’s why he is being given a tribute at the Deauville Film Festival. To quote their reasons for the award:

“We thought it was the right time to honor a cineaste who places humanism at the heart of his artistic concerns,”

“We can say that his art is both harmonious and sacred. The experience he offers through his films carry us to that delicious point of going beyond the ‘self’ to the benefit of being, thus making his filmmaking unique, necessary and primordial. He turns our meanderings into the pathways of life.”


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Bocelli Bonus

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  Thanks to Belerofonte we have a couple new follow-up items from Natalie's appearance at the Opera. We start with a video of Natalie arriving and later watching with Ben.…

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JGAG Finally Free of Relativity’s Misery

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Well, we have finally reached a small victory for the Natalie Portman movie that may have never seen the light of day (or in this case the hot Western sun at high noon) Jane Got A Gun. For a very long time now, it has suffered plaguing setbacks (such as a director switch), but the biggest problem as of late was the distribution company Relativity’s own financial combustions getting in the way of this film’s release. It was due to be released in September, only to be left out in the cold without much promotion. Sure, it’s hard to take care of a film when a company’s future is at stake.

That’s why Relativity has let JGAG go, and the film is now finally free. Relativity’s films face the potential risk of being frozen along with the borderline inevitable bankruptcy Ryan Kavanaugh and his company will likely file for. David Boies fought for JGAG to be separated from Relativity, as he has been the principal financer for the product.

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