First Look – Natalie In Planetarium
The Daily Mail has the first photos of Natalie filming Planetarium, her first French language film. It's strange to see Natalie with a cigarette in hand (on screen) as…
The Daily Mail has the first photos of Natalie filming Planetarium, her first French language film. It's strange to see Natalie with a cigarette in hand (on screen) as…
We haven't had as much fanart this year so it's great to be able to feature this stunning piece submitted by Francesco.
More photos have emerged from the Film Spring Open and by clicking the thumnbail below you will see them at the official Film Spring Open Facebook page. A big…
As expected, Natalie is in Poland this weekend for the Film Spring Open. She was invited by her cinematographer on ATOLAD, Slawomir Idziak, and you can see the them…
It wouldn't be the weekend without tidbits...okay, that's patently false but let's just run with that anyway. - Natalie may be attending the Krakow Film Spring Open this weekend,…
Natalie attended the opening season gala for the National Ballet of Paris last night. Given the event you won't be surprised to know that Benjamin was there as well.…
Wow, I was shocked to see Belerofonte pointing to this news story about director, Nick Louvel tragically dying in a car accident today. Nick went to Harvard with Natalie…
Natalie is back in front of the camera again for Rebecca Zlotowski's Planetarium, Natalie's first French language film. Filming began this week and Belerofonte found the first photo from…