ATOLAD Updates

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  Natalie's directorial debut, A Tale of Love and Darkness, has already seen a trailer emerge. Now there is a new version with English subtitles and new music. As a…

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  Thanks goodness Rachel is back because as my time is winding down in Berlin things have been hectic. But, I haven't a little free time now so let's jump…

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Gallery Updates

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  We've updated the gallery with HQ versions of the candid photos of Natalie filming a new advertisement for Dior (presumably Rouge Dior) in Paris last month. Thanks to anna1992anna.

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Planetarium Shooting Sightings

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Fiona B tweeted this photo from the set of Planetarium in Paris last week, which is a bit of a Where’s Waldo:

Hit the jump to see a great Instagram snap from user coolasa of Natalie in costume yesterday. Thanks to Belerofonte and Kitten for the finds. (more…)

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Gallery Updates

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  Another batch of HQ photos for you all this Sunday, this time from Natalie's appearance at the 4th annual festival kick-off fundraising soirée during the Toronto International Film Festival…

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Video Tidbits

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To take us into the weekend I’ve got some really nice video news items. Grab the popcorn!

– Lets kick things off with a video essay comparing Black Swan with my favourite film of last year, Whiplash. Some nice symmetry but if you haven’t seen Whiplash yet (or Black Swan) make sure you watch the films first because this gives away everything.

– Next up is another video essay, this time focused on the differences between the film version of V for Vendetta and that of the graphic novel. A lot of effort was put into this and it is well worth your time if you’re a fan of the film.

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