'Ello I guess the big news is a new Cold Mountain review. It's mildly positive about the movie but this line was enough to make me happy. There were also…
'Ello I guess the big news is a new Cold Mountain review. It's mildly positive about the movie but this line was enough to make me happy. There were also…
site news: saturday's update was translated into spanish. do not trifle with robotinez, his robotical powers are limitless. the language boo-boo is being remedied right now but for those of…
Ok, this update was mistakenly translated into Spanish so I'm just englishifying it again. I dunno wth I said but basically, new nat pics of her waiting for a cab…
that's right, ladies and gentlemen. the chef of Cold Mountain has something to share with us all. an interview with the chef that worked on cold mountain and he says....…
Hiya The staff page has been updated with a few changes. Unfortunately I've decided to remove JC but if he ever shows up again he's more than welcome back. I've…
Hey all Sorry for the outage again this weekend but really, until Pher can get that server this is something that can always happen on weekends cos Pher isn't around…
Hey all Jeff Wells' new column has some Cold Mountain news, which you might be interested in. I wrote COLD MOUNTAIN producer Sydney Pollack on Tuesday to learn about (a)…