i was drunk. i was lonely. it meant nothing.
howdy all. DAZ couldn't find sanjiro so here i is. andy submitted this awesome page featuring Juan Albuerne's re-paint job of one of Hasbro's original TPM Amidala dolls. it is…
howdy all. DAZ couldn't find sanjiro so here i is. andy submitted this awesome page featuring Juan Albuerne's re-paint job of one of Hasbro's original TPM Amidala dolls. it is…
oh the irony. we started this site four years ago in the hopes that we would bring love and peace to the world. only to recently find out that we…
Hiya We're on the home straight and this will be my last update as Sanjiro will bring us all to orgasm tomorrow. I managed to finally see Cold Mountain earlier…
Howdy We're at the half-way point and the fun just keeps on rolling. Assuming fun could actually roll. We've gotten some very positive feedback about the "interview" that Sanji and…
anniversay week continues. and i'm supposed to make it "Fun" well here's the big thing for the day. to Celebrate 4 years and all that natalie interviewed us. FOR REALS!…
Well here we are. 4 years (plus a couple weeks) since we took over the defunct natalieportman.com and set about making it the number one Nat site again. Well if…
Hiya So tomorrow we'll begin the...ummm...fun. I don't think we have nearly enough content so at the very least you'll be able to get some sort of perverse enjoyment out…
The anniversary celebrations might be pushed back to monday but we do have something for today, the new comic strip! It sorta follows on from the previous strip so make…