appearance tomorrow
Hi...again Sometimes I get an email with news that I really should update with right away. Only sometimes these emails arrive just as I'm about to get into my warm…
Hi...again Sometimes I get an email with news that I really should update with right away. Only sometimes these emails arrive just as I'm about to get into my warm…
Hiya I've been trying to think of a good editorial idea but I'm coming up blank. So I thought I'd extend the offer to you guys. If someone has got…
i'm making an update. in the new issue of Entertainment Weekly with Spider-Man on the cover there is a small picture of Nat with her good ole pal Zac Posen…
Some site announcements: 1) The newsletter! The newsletter have now moved location to a real majordomo administered newslist operating at the address "". So now you can sign up automatically…
It's my least favourite day of the year: My Birthday. However, I will still accept cash. Battle of the Nat pics update? The pics are still in training. Since Kris…
Hiya She's slowly making her way towards me. Today Uganda, tomorrow Botswana and living bedroom! But seriously, it's really great to see her helping out with all these charities…
i actually have to make an update. OH BORINGNESS! BIG news for tonight is that you guys might have to start getting ready to travel to see natalie on stage…
Hiya I'm getting better but am in no mood to update tonight. However, tomorrow we'll all be able to enjoy the warm embrace of a Sanjiro update. So light those…