Closer to SW being a distant memory
Ah, this made my day. It's from Jeff Wells' new column. Curiously, weirdly, Upcoming Movies editor Greg Dean Schmitz has for the last few months continued to fail to create…
good news bad news
GOOD NEWS More evidence that Nat and Gael are split. Not good news for me but I'm sure a lot of you are pleased. Thanks to Rachel for the scan.…
better late than never
Hey all Sorry about the downtime yesterday. Memorial Day was to blame. So this last batch of first round pics is a day shorter, which I don't think will make…
new poll and comic
Ello So the new Garden State trailer...hmmm... Well the quality of the trailer is shocking. Whoever encoded it needs a smack upside the head. That really put me off at…
first the poster, now the trailer
Hi again. Just off to bed when I saw that the new Garden State trailer is up. I'll only be able to comment tomorrow but I'm sure it rules at…
Garden State poster
Hi. A big thanks to breep6 for sending in a nice big juicy hi res pic of the Garden State poster. Personally, I think it's crap. Of all the wonderful…
Poll up
Hey all Not really in the mood for a big update today so we've just got the new poll for you guys. Here is the new pic poll and thanks…