New pics!

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Hey all Just a quick update before I have to go out. As mentioned in my update last night, Nat was just in Wisconsin talking to students about the election.…

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You'd think we were sponsored by Adobe... But here is round #4 of the Photoshop contest! Vote away and check out who won last time! And here's a question I've…

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duck and roll

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Hiya Not sure if this update is gonna piss off "the man" but let's see. Fanny, yes Fanny, sent in a bunch of EP3 pics. Here they are... I'm sure…

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odds and ends

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Evening My bandwidth cap reset so I'm smooth sailing again. Now I just need to try and stay under 6 gigs of usage a month...tricky. Celia sent this bit of…

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new pics

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Morning I'll be doing a full update later but for now, here is a new gallery of pics. Nat strolling with her posse in Beverly Hills last year. For some…

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new poll

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Hiya Samiad sent word that Shirley Manson (lead singer of Garbage) mentioned Natalie in her blog: "Went to see Gardenstate last night and loved it.I finally get why so many…

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