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I'm too sad over yesterdays news to update tonight. Someone should write a song about it. A ballad for the missing crotch. Unless there's some big news later tonight, check…

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come on, Mike!

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Hiya Well the big news today isn't really new but the word is getting out and people are taking to the streets with pitchforks. IMDB says that frontal nude scenes…

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Nat in Elle

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The good news just keeps rolling in. Thanks to Jen for the heads up that Natalie will be on the cover of the December Elle magazine. Click here for a…

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More Closer

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Hiya Just a quick update tonight, featuring more Closer goodies. The NY Times has a wonderful article/interview about Natalie but be careful, the final paragraph reveals Closer's ending. Thanks to…

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just not fair

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Hiya Melody and Kris have worked on some new and updated galleries. In no particular order... Oprah TRL University in Jerusalem ROTS Closer There are also some new old pics...…

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happy days

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Hiya Quite exciting times in Natworld, huh? Oprah and the Star Wars teaser both coming out on the same day. Both crying out for a poll. Click here to see…

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