Closer premiere

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Hiya Sorry about the lack of an update yesterday. Life stuff came up. Anyways, let's catch up on all the news shall we? Last night was the Closer premiere. We'll…

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Hiya Just got word that Nat is on the cover of the upcoming Parade Magazine. More pics...another article...kickass. Thanks to Ryan.

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take 2

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... I just lost my whole update, just as I was about to finish it up. Gutted! Ok, back on the horse. 3 more From the Inbox emails have been…

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another Elle

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Morning Just a couple really cool things that couldn't wait till a full update. Eric sent in another fantastic scan from the Elle shoot. And Krysta stumbled across the german…

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Touch it

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Hiya A bigger update will be on the way later this weekend. Tonight I just feel like watching a movie and then waking up early to watch South Africa get…

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Some important news for Swedish Nat fans, from Nathalie... i thought you should know that Garden State will be shown during the Stockholm Film Festival (Nov 18-Nov28) it'll be shown…

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Hiya Struggling to keep my eyes open after watching the most boring soccer match ever. But I'll try. A few days back my friend Alex (he of the sometimes updates)…

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