Hiya The award season has kicked off with the National Board of Review releasing their picks. Closer got 3rd best film of the year and best ensemble while Garden State…
Hiya The award season has kicked off with the National Board of Review releasing their picks. Closer got 3rd best film of the year and best ensemble while Garden State…
The nominations for the Independent Spirit Awards are out. Garden State is eligable and managed to grab nominations for first screenplay and first feature. Sadly Nat didn't grab a nom…
Hiya I was contemplating holding over this update till tomorrow, since today has already been very busy, but I might as well clear the slate as who knows what tomorrow…
INSIDE THE ACTOR'S STUDIO, clip 3 / 3 (73 megs and just over 15 minutes long)!! Thanx Mike for sending it over, we owe you! I'm pretty sure we'll write…
Ok, so let's try this again. There are articles/interviews/reviews falling from the sky like frogs, but a lot of the content is similar and, in some cases, almost identical. So…
If one of us fails, the other takes over! INSIDE THE ACTOR'S STUDIO, clip 2 / 3 (56 megs and just over 11 minutes long)!! Again, thanks to Mike for…
I just lost my whole freaking update. Bye bye 90 minutes of my life. Last time I got right back on the saddle but this time...I just can't. My sails…
Helloooooooo Let's throw some new pics into what's already been a great day on the site. Devan sent in these two pics from the Daily Telegraph. I love them but…