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Hiya 30 minutes after this update I will be sending out a new newsletter. It's gonna be a good one so I hope you're signed up. It seems that Bravo…

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making of

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Forgot to mention that the Making of Closer is on Bravo tonight. If you are able to, please encode the program and mail Kris about it. Thanks.

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closer time

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Hiya Those of you who are able to see Closer this weekend, I hope you all enjoy it. For those of you who are on areas where it's not opening,…

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snip snip

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Hi I got a lousy haircut today. Why can they never understand "just a bit of a trim"? Everytime this happens I plan how to make myself even clearer next…

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Hiya The award season has kicked off with the National Board of Review releasing their picks. Closer got 3rd best film of the year and best ensemble while Garden State…

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Spirit Awards

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The nominations for the Independent Spirit Awards are out. Garden State is eligable and managed to grab nominations for first screenplay and first feature. Sadly Nat didn't grab a nom…

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Hiya I was contemplating holding over this update till tomorrow, since today has already been very busy, but I might as well clear the slate as who knows what tomorrow…

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