xmas eve eve
Hiya The IGN readers poll has started. So head on over here to vote for Natalie as best actress and hottest babe. You can also vote for Closer as best…
Hiya The IGN readers poll has started. So head on over here to vote for Natalie as best actress and hottest babe. You can also vote for Closer as best…
Just got the DVD. Go buy it everyone! It has tons of great stuff (as well as the awesome movie, duh!) ; funny bloopers, making of documentary, deleted scenes and…
Hiya Just a short update for now. There might be more later. Sonoyta found a couple more For Your Consideration ads. Click here and DEFINITELY click here. The San Diego…
Hiya Before I get started on todays loot, yesterday I mucked up the new For Your Consideration ad. Here it is again. As promised, here is the Closer editorial featuring…
Hiya Things are still quiet but tomorrow, at the very least, there will be an editorial and a new poll up. Closer has managed to hang in to a top…
It's been surprisingly quiet in the Nat front the past couple days. If you've seen Closer, and haven't mailed me a short review yet, fire one off and it will…
Hi again Right, so by now you all know I'm a moron, right? Good, then this won't come as a surprise. I've been saying we were getting the BRAVO Making…