Site update

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Hiya I've got a few site things to talk about and figured I might as well put them all into one post. 1) The you know, Nate handed in…

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new SW pic

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Hiya Just a couple other little things that I better post now cos I dunno how this weekend is going to pan out. First up is this great promo pic…

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Yup, it's on the way alright. Let's see if we can get away with this... curly listening for a heartbeat The queer eye team save the day "and then Jar…

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My ex (first love) got engaged. What the hell am I meant to make of that? Just 22 years old...sheesh. Oh well, best wishes to her...despite the whole trampling on…

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frances the mute

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Hiya Since things are relatively quiet, I was wondering if I should attempt to bring back the Photoshop contest. I tell you what...why don't YOU decide. Here are the results…

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