I know I know
Sorry for the lack of an update. Today got incredibly busy for some stupid reason. I've got to get up early tomorrow so I can't do it now but tomorrow!!!…
Sorry for the lack of an update. Today got incredibly busy for some stupid reason. I've got to get up early tomorrow so I can't do it now but tomorrow!!!…
GAH I just lost my whole damn update. Sigh. I don't have the energy to type it up again so you'll have to wait till tomorrow. I did update the…
Hiya I'll be updating later with a new poll and hopefully some other goodies. In the mean time, here's a new SW pic and a her doll...errr...I mean action figure.…
Hiya Just a quick update to bring you this lovely scan from Premiere. A big thanks to Juanma.
Hiya Seems Nat is sharing the cover of the new EW Oscar special. Thanks to Amidoll.
Hiya Bit quiet at the moment but here's what I have. Who should win the Oscars? Well Ebert has a poll up for all the main categories. I think you…
Hiya The USA Today has a great article in which it talks to some nominees. Here's what Nat had to say. Natalie Portman (actress, Closer) called in from Israel, where…
Hola As most of you predicted... If you had to put your money on it, is Natalie going to receive an Academy nomination? Yes 88.99% (687 votes) No 9.97% (77…