German Vogue

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Hi again It's a huge day for Nat news. PinchOfSalt just let me know that has the scoop that Nat will be appearing in an upcoming German Vogue. Here…

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Morning all The scans from Blender are out and its a great way to end the week. The article is really interesting and the pics inside the mag are a…

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Ok, I'm feeling a lot better. Just came back from philosophy class, which helped clear the old brain out. Although if this update gets lost again I WILL have to…

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on the verge

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Of losing my mind. Last night I found out that my 30 gig ADSL cap is going from $52 a month to $280 starting next month. So that's already put…

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The Downside

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Morning Sorry I haven't done a proper update since friday. It's a combination of being busy mixed with no real important news. But I'll definitely be clearing out the old…

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