General opinions of our editors and authors.
Last week we loved up on the best covers but now its time to take aim at the worst offenders. Rachel will be doing the same, although I think she might only have 5.
Here we go…
I don’t mind from the neck up but the whole Gothic Peruvian look is just bizarre.
Earlier this week, I started counting down my Top 10 favorite covers. Without further ado, the Top 5:

05. Harper’s Bazaar (November 2006)
I think the Audrey Hepburn comparisons are sort of a stretch in Natalie’s post-teenage years, but she still rocks the Holly Golightly look.
Alright, let’s get this show on the road.
On the face of it, this is a strange choice. Its a bit generic. It’s a bit boring. It’s a bit…blonde. But when I look at the full sized version, it sorta transcends all those things. The raccoon eyes are wonderful (you’ll be hearing this a lot). The hair looks great. The hand in the jeans pocket is hot. Slam dunk, really.
My own “Top 10-6 Natalie covers of all time”, will be coming a bit later. Before I get to that I just wanted to mention 4 covers that came very close to make the list.
News is a little slow this week, so what better time to make a list? This week Dazza and I will be compiling our top 10 all-time favorite magazine covers (and later on the all-time worst). I did something similar at the forum, Daz liked it (?!) and suggested we both make our own for the main site. Counting down with the last five, my favorites…
Not to be confused with "pee coat". This blog talks about the pea coat as an example of Stuff White People Like. The example is a picture of Natalie and…
It’s beginning to look more and more like Devendra and Natalie have broken up (note to Clone: Breaking up means there was a relationship to be broken in the first place) and if that is the case I think its fitting that we take a moment to look back at their relationship as we say goodbye to Mr Banhart.
Later today, Rachel will be posting some new pictures and I *hope* to have a certain tidbit of news. Until then, since there isn’t much else going on, I thought I would start a new feature.
When we were moving to the new gallery system I really enjoyed seeing so many galleries that I had forgotten about. Since very few of you have been regular visitors from the beginning, I thought it would be cool to bring some attention to great Natalie moments from the early days.