Happy Birthday Us
It is our 12th birthday, although anniversary is probably more accurate, but birthday’s are more fun because you get cake. 12 years since Sanjiro, Nerf, Flipp and myself relaunched the site.

There have been too many names to thank over those dozen years but I have to give a shout out to…
The site helpers – Kris, Rachel, Sak, Sanjiro, Amo, Matt.
The graphic helpers – Celina (who did that graphic above), Ana (who sent in two wallpapers after the jump), Carlotto.
The news helpers – Too many to name everyone but regular recent contributors include Toto, Garcy, Fanatical, Kitten, Edge, Anqxxx, Maribel, Edenliao, Cherryvanilla, Natnat, Awise and everyone else that makes sure we don’t miss any Natalie news.
And of course everyone who contributes donations, supports our ads, likes and retweets news items…you guys really are amazing.
Oh, and thanks to Natalie, who continues to entertain, inspire and engage us after all these years.