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full update

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Ok Feeling back on my game today so let's get to it. A couple of site things first. I mentioned that the photoshop contest would be going on a break…

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snow day

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Hey Today's update is gonna have to be delayed till tomorrow because... ...well I have developed feelings for a girl. And tonight she returned them. So...I can't get my mind…

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Ok, let me nip this in the bud. I'm getting more and more emails about this playboy thing. What playboy thing you ask? Well, next month's (or is it June?)…

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W cover

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Hi I can't believe we haven't got good W scans yet. Anyway, while we wait for those to appear, let's enjoy the cover pic. Hello MAMA! Thanks to Gisele. Melody…

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busy bee

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Hiya Personally, I feel as though the new W Magazine shoot is one of her best ever. I can't wait for proper scans and to see the cover. Not to…

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W Mag

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Hiya You can read the W article and see all of the pics (except the cover) over here. I haven't read the article yet but damn, those pics are stunning!…

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Dazza can't think of a poll. so i made one for everyone to enjoy. BUT first! the results from the last poll. Did the April Fools joke work? For a…

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