more good word on V
Morning There is some more positive feedback from the V for Vendetta screening including this, the first full review. But be WARNED, there are HUGE spoilers. I'll paste some of…
All The News
Morning There is some more positive feedback from the V for Vendetta screening including this, the first full review. But be WARNED, there are HUGE spoilers. I'll paste some of…
And just like that, all doubts go out the window. The film was shown as part of Ain't It Cool News' annual BNAT movie marathon. In fact, it was the…
Evening Ok, so here's that fanart update I was meant to do yesterday. With the great V news earlier, this is the perfect fanart to start with. It's the March…
2 hours sleep and then trying to climb up a mountain = not the smartest idea I've ever had Update is postponed till the morrow.
Hiya I was going to do a full catchup on fanart but I don't have much time. But I do have enough time to put up Michael's bitching calendar for…
Morning It's amazing how yesterday I hardly had anything to update with and today Santa's bag is overflowing. Let's start with a couple new V promo photos, found by Sonoyta.…
Morning Spent last night at a hospital waiting for a friend's girlfriend's dad and when I finally got home at 3am, my DSL was down. Definitely "one of those days".…
I had no idea how quiet things have been since last week till I started getting this update together. Anyway, I'll try and pull some things together. Oh, yeah, I…