a musical update
Evening Let's start with the last poll results Which forum layout do you prefer? Lots of sections for different topics. 53.05% (235 votes) A more simpler Nat section and general…
All The News
Evening Let's start with the last poll results Which forum layout do you prefer? Lots of sections for different topics. 53.05% (235 votes) A more simpler Nat section and general…
Hiya I was a bit bummed after the email we received from Fox but having just seen a site using our April Fools joke as real news, I'm feeling a…
Hi again Yup, the Darjeeling train keeps rolling with the first review of an early cut of the film. It's very light on spoilers so should be safe for all…
Hiya Today we have something a bit special. Thanks to Thierry we were able to get our hands on The Darjeeling Limited script. It's a draft from May 17 2006…
Morning I've suddenly got an inbox full of update worthy material so *cracks knuckles* lets get to it. The biggest news has to be the email delivered to my by…
Evening I've got some other work to do (this paper clip theme park isn't going to finish itself you know) so the rest of this update will come later this…
Hiya My internet connection has been down but I'm back online now. I don't have time for a full update but for now, here are some new pics of Natalie…
Hola Evening ladies and gents. But especially the ladies, cos, you know...ladies...mmmm. There isn't really anything to knock us on our asses today but I'm sure an ass knocking is…