Boleyn filming right now
Hiya The extra Boleyn filming is under way and Harper found a blog report from a priest who was called in to marry Natalie and...errr...I never know what constitutes spoilers…
All The News
Hiya The extra Boleyn filming is under way and Harper found a blog report from a priest who was called in to marry Natalie and...errr...I never know what constitutes spoilers…
Evening We've got a bunch of new old photos and gallery updates today. Thanks to Jenski and Pasha. Nat at China Club Oscar After Party The rest are gallery updates.…
Hiya Sorry about the np.comic delay. Matt has fallen off the planet again but hopefully it'll be done soon. Just a few morsels of news today. Starting with a rumour…
Hi all I was trying to update the Hotel Chevalier film page last night and intended to have this info in it. Unfortunately the site wasn't behaving so I couldn't…
Back with more Natalie goodness for you all. Let's begin with a nice FINCA report on Afghan Hands and it includes the following picture of Nat in Uganda. Just click…
Evening Facebook junkies rejoice! JenR has setup a group where we can all...err...actually, I have no idea. But join anyway because if can't even take over Facebook then…
Morning Natalie appears in a new National Geographic commercial for an energy saving lightbulb. I use these bulbs, Nat uses these bulbs and so should you. Click the picture to…
Evening A super quick update tonight. At the end of the month The Other Boleyn Girl will be doing 3 days of reshoots at Ely Cathedral. I doubt thats the…