All The News


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Hiya Right then, so let's get cracking before something goes horribly wrong. Fanatical (who I've added to the bottom of the staff page) found those Empire articles on Scarlett fan.…

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Nat defends Heath

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Morning Just a quick update about a story that broke while I was in dreamland. Natalie's agency, ID, was also Heath Ledger's agency and they were angered enough by Entertainment…

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Evening Up front we have some new HQ Boleyn promos. Click the image below for the gallery. Thanks to Palpantine. Speaking of Boleyn, Brishen has made a banner for the…

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Hiya Let's begin with news of Barilla's new cookbook, which features celebrity recipes for pasta dishes. Natalie is obviously one of the contributors and in a really cool move you…

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Hiya Just a quick groggy update to inform you that The Other Boleyn Girl will premiere at Berlinale on the 15th of Feb. Here are further details. Thanks to KeWi…

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Hiya Boleyn's premiere at Berlinale is just around the corner (still trying to work out what day it'll be though), which will be a blessing because there still isn't too…

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let the tears flow

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Hiya Let's start with a couple nice Blueberry posters, one featuring Nat and one without. Both are gorgeous. Thanks to Jeffrey. I've finally gotten around to updating the poll. Here's…

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pics ahoy

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Hi Sorry for the lack of an update yesterday. I was on a high after seeing my football team beat our rivals for the first time in 9 years, only…

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