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For the bored

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Devendra is playing at the Outside Lands Festival in a few hours. You can watch a webcam of the event over here. Professional Nat-spotters might fancy their chances of catching…

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MSN has done a little list of celebs that graduated from college. Natalie gets a mention and a little write up. Nothing too amazing but updates can't all be NY,…

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Gallery Updates

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Just a few new-old pics tonight, along with some older photos with (somewhat) less intrusive watermarks. Updated sets include candids from shopping alone in Soho and visiting the art exhibition…

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I have updated the rumoured projects page. If you feel any information is missing or incorrect, send me a line. From now on, as soon as a rumour hits I…

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Garden State smooches

  • Post author: has put together a pretty awful Top 10 Steamy Movie Kisses list. Is the kiss in Hitch really one for the ages?!

At number 7 on the list is the rain kiss from Garden State. This is what they have to say:

Tragic moments allow people to let their guard down and often tend to bring them together. And when it happens in the middle of a rain storm, it actually makes it all so much more romantic–i.e., they’re so “in the moment” they don’t even notice the downpour. This is something everyone should experience at some point in life. Not just the movie people!

Personally, even though that kiss was set up as THE defining moment of the film, I’ve always disliked it a little. Not a lot, just a little.

Maybe its because of how staged it feels. Maybe its the abyss scream. Or maybe its just the awkwardness of the 3rd wheel.

In fact, I think I like every other kiss in the film more than I do that one.

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