One new wallpaper
The fanart has sorta dried up but Scott has sent in the first wallpaper in awhile and its perfect for the holiday least if you live in the northern…
All The News
The fanart has sorta dried up but Scott has sent in the first wallpaper in awhile and its perfect for the holiday least if you live in the northern…
Jim Sheridan has given some indication as to when we might finally get to see Brothers. He's looking at a late Summer release, which may or may not hold but…
The Women's Film Critics Circle have handed out their awards for the year and Natalie was given an award for "acting and activism". Always nice to see her charitable work…
The results are in and congrats are very much in order for Noisz. His banner comfortably won. I said that 3 would be added to the rotation but I’m such a fan of the 4th place banner (and it was only 3 votes behind 3rd) that I’m going to have 4 added to the site.
They will be added soon.
Today’s poll is about the possible name change for Natalie’s new film.
Click on for the full banner results.
Thanks to this nifty site, you can relive your Barbie Doll glory days by dressing Natalie yourself. I think this is one for the ladies because as a guy, I…
A week or so ago, we got wind that "Love and Other Impossible Pursuits" might actually be called "17 Pictures Of Isabel". I tried (and failed) to get some confirmation…
If you head over to this page and click on the Natalie link you'll see a really nice interview with Natalie about FINCA and LWALA. What's nice is that its…