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New Poll + banner results

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The results are in and congrats are very much in order for Noisz. His banner comfortably won. I said that 3 would be added to the rotation but I’m such a fan of the 4th place banner (and it was only 3 votes behind 3rd) that I’m going to have 4 added to the site.

They will be added soon.

Today’s poll is about the possible name change for Natalie’s new film.

So weigh in on that

Click on for the full banner results.

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Name change?

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A week or so ago, we got wind that "Love and Other Impossible Pursuits" might actually be called "17 Pictures Of Isabel". I tried (and failed) to get some confirmation…

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Below we have the first image from the fake perfume ad, starring Natalie and Michelle Williams.

If you can speak Italian you can read the original article over here. If not, click on for the (rough) translation.

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