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Nat in Austin

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As previously mentioned, Natalie is going to be at the University of Texas this weekend. Here is another bit of confirmation from Tomshoesblog. This weekend will be fast-paced and exciting:…

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Looking back at 2008 – April

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In case you missed the first three…


This month will be most remembered for something that I’ll get to later but, even though I didn’t notice at the time, it should also be known for lists. There was *deep breath*…25th on the FHM list, 1st on the Most Beautiful Faces list, named the mosteco-friendly star and 10th Lesbian Women’s top sci-fi babes list.

Yowza. Now for my favourites…

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Forbes Star Currency

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Forbes have put together another list (they love lists even more than I do) and this time they’ve polled industry people to rate the bankability of 1400 actors. The specific factors considered can be seen after the click but cutting to the chase, Will Smith is comfortably atop the list and Natalie came in at #84 with a score of 7.27

You can’t view the full list but you can search for actors to see their position and score. I tried a number of other young actresses to compare and found that Lohan, Ellen Page, Amy Adams, Kirsten Dunst, Emily Blunt and Rachel McAdams are all quite a bit further down the list. Anne Hathaway has the exact same score. Scarlett is at #78 and Keira Knightley is way up the list at #42.

Anyone else I should be checking? You can do your own searches here.


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