Rodrigo says no go…maybe go…I don’t know
According to this article, in Portuguese, actor Rodrigo Santoro might at least be friends with Natalie. Perhaps even dating. Or maybe he was joking. The actor Rodrigo Santoro was discrete…
All The News
According to this article, in Portuguese, actor Rodrigo Santoro might at least be friends with Natalie. Perhaps even dating. Or maybe he was joking. The actor Rodrigo Santoro was discrete…
The gallery has been updated with one new outtake and three new/old uncropped and textless pictures from Natalie's photoshoot with Michael Thompson for Allure in 2004.
I really like both these wallpapers today. The first is from Carlotto and the second is from Silversurfer. (1680x1050) (1600x1200)
Lodivico found a blog entry that apparently contains a quote from Rodrigo Santoro that denies any relationship with Natalie. Just as with the initial update, I have no idea what…
Rotten Tomatoes have put together a list of graphic novel to film adaptations, in honour of Watchmen's release this weekend, and V for Vendetta can be find half way through…
Natalie was interviewed about A Powerful Noise and women’s rights by It’s always great to hear Natalie talking about more serious issues, so enjoy…
Celebs Gone Good:First of all, what did you think of the documentary A Powerful Noise
Natalie Portman:The film is so amazing. I think its always more powerful to hear individuals stories, to tell about a larger issue…when you talk about things in abstract terms, overriding terms, it’s very hard to grasp truth of it, whereas when you meet one human being and you really come to love them, and live their story, you understand it in such a different way
CGG:Since Sunday is International Women’s Day, CGG wanted to know what do you think are some of the biggest issues women face in today’s society? What issues have you personally faced being a woman in society and specifically a successful woman in the entertainment industry? What advise do you have for young women entering the workforce for dealing with those problems?
Below are three really great drawings sent in by Richard. Enjoy!
For the new poll, how about we rank Natalie's look from last night? Vote here to give it a thumbs up or down And here are the sad results of…