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Merch Monday

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Everyone was happy with the amazon widget being added to the site, in place of google’s random ad, but unfortunately “ooh’s” and “aah’s” don’t pay the bills. So I’m having to get a bit more proactive.

So once a week I will do an update whereby I give a product some love. These items will only be things that I’m genuinely excited about, which I would be recommending to friends anyway.


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Role Model

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The Natalie mention is brief but this article about female role models is a nice read. In it the writer bemoans the fact that Lohan, Spears and Hilton are so…

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Nat the hipster?

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Over here you can find a list of Hollywood Hipsters, although either they're using the term "hipster" very broadly or clearly have no idea what it means. Here's Natalie's write…

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