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I lied

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Since its just past midnight here, and the cat has long since bolted from its bag, I think its time to fess up officially.

Every update today was fake, with the exception of the Natalie-Scarlett rumour, which is true in the sense that we didn’t create it although fake in the sense that my sources have told me that Natalie has nothing to do with the project.

A week ago I realized that April 1st was coming up and thought that considering our genuinely crappy financial situation, some kind of pay scheme might sound plausible. Of course we’d never really institute such a plan. I think that gag was something of a success. I even got a really angry email about it. Score.

Rachel did a lot of work putting together the design of the splash page, so thanks as always to Rachel.

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Nat looks inward

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Uh...Variety are reporting about Natalie's next film, and her directorial debut...and I'm kinda speechless. This is absolutely unreal. Here comes...NP?!?! I need to read this a few more times just…

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